var sToday = new Date;
var sNow = "01/01/2012";
var sYear = sToday.getFullYear();
var sMonth = sToday.getMonth() + 1;
if (sMonth < 10) {sMonth = "0" + sMonth;}
var sDate = sToday.getDate();
if (sDate < 10) {sDate = "0" + sDate;}
var sHour = sToday.getHours();
if (sHour < 10) {sHour = "0" + sHour;}
var sMinute = sToday.getMinutes();
if (sMinute < 10) {sMinute = "0" + sMinute;}
var sSecond = sToday.getSeconds();
if (sSecond < 10) {sSecond = "0" + sSecond;}
sNow = sMonth + "/" + sDate + "/" + sYear + " " + sHour + ":" + sMinute + ":" + sSecond;
SetFieldValue("Match Date", sNow);
Functions such as TimeStamp(), Today() cannot be used in Business Service scripts.
Clib functions no longer work in our system (don’t know why). They are not working:
//Clib.strftime(sToday, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",Clib.localtime(sToday.toSystem()));
//Clib.strftime(sNow,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",Clib.localtime(Clib.time()));
SetFieldValue("Match Date", sNow) can only pass in the mm/dd/yyyy part but not the time info, thus the hr:mi:ss of the updated date will be all 0.
Function TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(stext) can be used to display a message or show a value. However codes after this function will not be executed.
The vailable sToday cannot be used to update BC field of Date type directly because of its format. Error SBL-DAT-00359 will occur.
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